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After final exams are completed and degrees are in hand, the next test many college graduates face is how to get all their stuff off campus and on to their next home.

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Very soon, thousands of college students will be donning caps and gowns, grabbing their diplomas and marching into the “real world.” So, what will that world look like? A new infographic from SpareFoot gives a glimpse into that world.Here are just a few nuggets of information in the infographic:

  • 51 percent of college graduates plan to move to a new apartment after school.
  • Among college graduates who are moving, almost three-fourths are relocating away from their college town.
  • 80 percent of college graduates would relocate to a city where they can find a job rather than to their favorite city.

A lot of this year’s college graduates actually will be moving back home, a new survey by Accenture found. One-third of 2013 graduates plan to live at home after graduation, while 44 percent of 2011 and 2012 college grads live at home now, the survey showed.

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